Addressing Diverse Humanitarian Challenges Though Collaboration and partnerships

Addressing Diverse Humanitarian Challenges Though Collaboration and partnerships

On 22/04/2024, Action for the Needy in Ethiopia (ANE) discussed its programs with its partners in a meeting held to welcome Dr. Meftah.A. Meftah, former IFRC Representative in the Middle East and North Africa who is visiting ANE with a defined purpose to support ANE’s efforts to enhance partnerships and resource mobilization in order to overcome the growing humanitarian and development challenges in Ethiopia.

Addressing Diverse Humanitarian Challenges Though Collaboration and partnerships
Addressing Diverse Humanitarian Challenges Though Collaboration and partnerships

The meeting was held in the presence of ANE's Board of Directors, Managers and selected partners including UNHCR, Refugee and Returnee Services (RRS) and other partners. During the meeting, ANE’s diverse services were presented and discussed highlighting its role in service delivery targeting refugees, vulnerable host communities and an increasing number internally displaced persons (IDPs).

The following Day, on 23/ 04/2024, a field visit was conducted in Borena , Negelle in the presence of Dr.Meftah and ANE’s Board Members and Management

Field Visit to Negelle Borena Hospital
Field Visit to Negelle Borena Hospital


The Negelle hospital was visited first. The group tried to understand the main problems the hospital is facing. They observed that the overall environment is in a bad shape with very dark working environment and poor sanitation conditions.

It was reported that the hospital is supposed to serve as a reference center for well more than 1.8 million people living in Borena and beyond. However, its service delivery capacity is severely restricted and is now in dire need of immediate action by way of rehabilitation.

Although it was further reported that 21 to 30 deliveries are carried out every day, the delivery ward is in so bad a shape that it is hard to understand how it can carry out its function to provide decent service to mothers and children. Well-coordinated efforts will be required to rehabilitate the hospital. The Ministry of Health at zonal, regional and national level will need to look into the matter to mobilize potential partners including the community, the private sector and civil societies or NGOs. ANE CALLS FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION TO REHABILITATE THE HOSPITAL IN NEGELLE

Field Visit to Negelle Borena Hospital
Field Visit to Negelle Borena Hospital


The second site visited represents the old school site in Negelle which was burned down a long time ago and it is, up to now, in a condition of disuse.

Although the remnants of the school are still standing, perhaps representing one of the historical sites in the town, the overall condition seems to have gone well beyond renovation. However, some innovative engineering may be applied to bring it back into a semblance of utility so it can be used for similar but alternative purposes such as serving as a public library. The Ministry of Education at all levels, together with the communities and other interested partners, will need to take the necessary initiative to get the job done in a coordinated effort.

Field Visit to Negelle Borena Hospital
Field Visit to Negelle Borena Hospital
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